01-05-2023 10:51 AM
Hello I am a newbie in this field and trying to access confluent kafka stream in Databricks Azure based on a beginner's video by Databricks. I have a free trial of Databricks cluster right now. When I run the below notebook, it errors out on line 5 on scope.
My question is, should I create the scope in confluent or in Databricks. Has anybody seen this before?
Thanks so much!!
01-05-2023 10:53 AM
For testing, create without secret scope. It will be unsafe, but you can post secrets as strings in the notebook for testing. Here is the code which I used for loading data from confluent:
inputDF = (spark
.option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", host)
.option("kafka.ssl.endpoint.identification.algorithm", "https")
.option("kafka.sasl.mechanism", "PLAIN")
.option("kafka.security.protocol", "SASL_SSL")
.option("kafka.sasl.jaas.config", "kafkashaded.org.apache.kafka.common.security.plain.PlainLoginModule required username='{}' password='{}';".format(userid, password))
.option("subscribe", topic)
.option("kafka.client.id", "Databricks")
.option("kafka.group.id", "new_group2")
.option("spark.streaming.kafka.maxRatePerPartition", "5")
.option("startingOffsets", "earliest")
.option("kafka.session.timeout.ms", "10000")
.option("minPartitions", sc.DefaultParallelism)
.load() )
01-05-2023 10:53 AM
For testing, create without secret scope. It will be unsafe, but you can post secrets as strings in the notebook for testing. Here is the code which I used for loading data from confluent:
inputDF = (spark
.option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", host)
.option("kafka.ssl.endpoint.identification.algorithm", "https")
.option("kafka.sasl.mechanism", "PLAIN")
.option("kafka.security.protocol", "SASL_SSL")
.option("kafka.sasl.jaas.config", "kafkashaded.org.apache.kafka.common.security.plain.PlainLoginModule required username='{}' password='{}';".format(userid, password))
.option("subscribe", topic)
.option("kafka.client.id", "Databricks")
.option("kafka.group.id", "new_group2")
.option("spark.streaming.kafka.maxRatePerPartition", "5")
.option("startingOffsets", "earliest")
.option("kafka.session.timeout.ms", "10000")
.option("minPartitions", sc.DefaultParallelism)
.load() )
01-06-2023 07:49 AM
Hey Hubert,
Firstly thanks for your response. Sure, I'll try this instead.
For line 11, kafka.group.id , that'll have to be from confluent cloud right?
01-06-2023 07:53 AM
It is the name defined by you to control offset. I think that once you put in databricks code it will create it in kafka/confluent automatically.
01-06-2023 09:19 AM
01-06-2023 09:24 AM
or does this even mean its able to access my topic?
Thanks for your time Hubert. I really appreciate it.
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