Apache spark Streaming
When was the last commit done on Spark Streaming
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When was the last commit done on Spark Streaming
My two dataframes look like new_df2_record1 and new_df2_record2 and the expected output dataframe I want is like new_df2: The code I have tried is the following: If I print the top 5 rows of new_df2, it gives the output as expected but I cannot pri...
Hi, I have a metadata csv file which contains column name, and datatype such as Colm1: INT Colm2: String. I can also get the same in a json format as shown: I can store this on ADLS. How can I convert this into a schema like: "Myschema" that I can ...
We are getting below error when we tried to set the date in preparedstatement using Simba Spark Jdbc Driver. Exception: Query execution failed: [Simba][SparkJDBCDriver](500051) ERROR processing query/statement. Error Code: 0, SQL state: org.apache.h...
I used @pandas_udf write a function for speeding up the process(parsing xml file ) and then compare it's speed with single thread , Surprisingly , Using @pandas_udf is two times slower than single-thread code. And the number of xml files I need to p...
We refactored our codebase into another branch of our existing repo and consolidated the files so that they should be useable within the Databricks Repos size/file limitations. However, even though the new branch is smaller, I am still getting an err...
I use below payload to submit my job that include am init script saved on S3. The instance profile and init script worked on interactive cluster. But when I move to job cluster the init script cannot be configure. { "new_cluster": { "spar...
It is due to the region is missing. For init script saved in S3, the region field is required. The init script section should be like below :"init_scripts": [ { "s3": { "destination": "s3://<my bucket>...
You can use any storage level except glacier/archive with delta tables.
Some of us are working with IDEs and trying to deploy notebooks (.py) files to dbfs. the problem I have noticed is when configuring jobs, those paths are not recognized.notebook_path: If I use this :dbfs:/artifacts/client-state-vector/0.0.0/bootstrap...
The issue is that the python file saved under DBFS not as a workspace notebook. When you given /artifacts/client-state vector/0.0.0/bootstrap.py, the workspace will search the notebook(python file in this case) under the folder that under Workspace t...
Hi I want to set up a cluster and want to give access to that cluster to some user only those user on that particular cluster should have access to read and write from and to the bucket. that particular bucket is not mounted on the workspace.Is th...
Yes, you can set up an instance profile that can access the S3 bucket and then only give certain users privilege to use the instance profile. For more details, you can check here
In the sense that, is it possible to only check for column names or column data types or will it always be both?
No, I do not believe that is possible. However, I would be interested in understanding a use case where that is ideal behavior. How Does Schema Enforcement Work?Delta Lake uses schema validation on write, which means that all new writes to a table ar...
You can get a static IP at the workspace level https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/databricks/kb/cloud/azure-vnet-single-ip
I can't see where in the databricks UI that I can delete files that have been either uploaded or saved to the DBFS - how do I do this?
Open a notebook and run the command dbutils.fs.rm("/FileStore/tables/your_table_name.csv") referencing this link https://docs.databricks.com/data/databricks-file-system.html
When run sparkR.session()I faced below error:Spark package found in SPARK_HOME: /databricks/spark Launching java with spark-submit command /databricks/spark/bin/spark-submit sparkr-shell /tmp/Rtmp5hnW8G/backend_porte9141208532d Error: Could not f...
This is due to the when users run their R scripts on Rstudio, the R session is not shut down gracefully. Databricks is working on handle the R session better and removed the limit. As a workaround, you can create and run below init script to increase...
Am trying to use SQL, but createOrReplaceTempView("myDataView") fails. I can create and display a DataFrame fine... import pandas as pd df = pd.DataFrame(['$3,000,000.00','$3,000.00', '$200.5', '$5.5'], columns = ['Amount']) df I add another cell, ...
This is worked for me. Thank you @acorson​
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