01-13-2023 12:14 PM
Hi all.
I am trying to export R data frame variable as csv file.
I am using this formula:
df<- data.frame(VALIDADOR_FIM)
df.coalesce(1).write.format("com.databricks.spark.csv").option("header", "true").save("dbfs:/FileStore/df/df.csv")
But isn´t working. How can this as export a csv file?
01-14-2023 01:18 AM
Please try to execute write.csv with the following path instead:
write.csv(TotalData,file='/dbfs/tmp/df.csv',row.names = FALSE)
%fs ls /tmp
01-14-2023 01:18 AM
Please try to execute write.csv with the following path instead:
write.csv(TotalData,file='/dbfs/tmp/df.csv',row.names = FALSE)
%fs ls /tmp
01-17-2023 04:26 AM
Hi @sherbin w tanks for Help! Now how i can acess this .csv to download?
I tryed:
%fs ls /tmp
read.df(path = "/tmp/VALIDADOR_FIM.csv")
but both didn´t worked.
01-17-2023 10:24 AM
you mean local download ?
01-17-2023 11:03 AM
01-17-2023 07:56 PM
I don't think that will be possible in databricks. may be i wrong.
But what I did was mount s3 put that CSV file there and download it.
01-16-2023 03:23 AM
Hi @FELIPE VALENTE (Customer), We haven’t heard from you since the last response from @sherbin w (Customer) , and I was checking back to see if his suggestions helped you.
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