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since ‎01-12-2024

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  • 20 Posts
  • 2 Solutions
  • 1 Kudos given
  • 6 Kudos received

User Activity

Hi, we are using asset bundles to deploy artefacts in Databricks. We use a service account and github workflows for that. Currently, we deploy in dev mode whenever a PR is created against the main branch of our gh repo. So far so good. However, we ar...
Hi, we are managing our Databricks Workspaces entirely using terraform. As of today, the module to read the current clusters fails with a timeout. We use this:data "databricks_clusters" "this" { }This has worked flawlessly before. However, now we are...
We have implemented an asset bundle (DAB) that creates a wheel. During DAB deployment, the wheel is built and stored in the folder of the service principal running the deployment via GH workflow. The full path is/Workspace/Users/SERVICE-PRINCIPAL-ID/...
Hi, I implemented a job that should incrementally read all the available data from a Kinesis Data Stream and terminate afterwards. I schedule the job daily. The data retention period of the data stream is 7 days, i.e., there should be enough time to ...
Hi, I have a job consisting of three tasks:  tasks: - task_key: Kinesis_to_S3_new spark_python_task: python_file: ../src/ parameters: ["${var.stream_region}", "${var.s3_base_path}"] j...
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