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With in a loop I have few dataframes created. I can union them with out an issue if they have same schema using (df_unioned = reduce(DataFrame.unionAll, df_list). Now my problem is how to union them if one of the dataframe in df_list has different nu...
Hi,I have come across same scenario, using reduce() and unionByname we can implement the solution as below:val lstDF: List[Datframe] = List(df1,df2,df3,df4,df5)val combinedDF = lstDF.reduce((df1, df2) => df1.unionByName(df2, allowMissingColumns = tru...
Hi,I have a dataframe that has name and companyfrom pyspark.sql import SparkSessionspark = SparkSession.builder.appName('').getOrCreate()columns = ["company","name"]data = [("company1", "Jon"), ("company2", "Steve"), ("company1", "...
Scenario: I Have a dataframe with more than 1000 rows, each row having a file path and result data column. I need to loop through each row and write files to the file path, with data from the result column.what is the easiest and time effective way ...
Hi,I agree with Werners, try to avoid loop with Pyspark Dataframe.If your dataframe is small, as you said, only about 1000 rows, you may consider to use Pandas.Thanks.
Hello. Could you please suggest a workaround for a while do loop in Databricks SQL?WHILE LSTART>0 DO SET LSTRING=CONCAT(LSTRING, VSTRING2)Thank you in advance
code example# a list of file pathlist_files_path = ["/dbfs/mnt/...", ..., "/dbfs/mnt/..."]# copy all file above to this folderdest_path=""/dbfs/mnt/..."for file_path in list_files_path: # copy function copy_file(file_path, dest_path)I am runni...
This must be trivial, but I must have missed something.I have a dataframe (test1) and want to round all the columns listed in list of columns (col_list)here is the code I am running:col_list = ['measure1', 'measure2', 'measure3']
for i in col_list:...
I have a loop that outputs a dataframe for values in a list; basically a loop. I can create a dashboard if there is only one df but in the loop, I'm only able to see the charts in the notebook if I switch the view to charts not in the dashboard. In t...
If you want to be able to easily run and kill multiple process with ctrl-c, this is my favorite method: spawn multiple background processes in a (…) subshell, and trap SIGINT to execute kill 0, which will kill everything spawned in the subshell group...
Good day, Copy of got 100 files of csv data on adls-gen1 store. I want to do some processing to them and save results to same drive, different directory. def look...
was actually anything created by script in directory <my_output_dir>?The best would be to permanently mount ADSL storage and use azure app for that.In Azure please go to App registrations - register app with name for example "databricks_mount" . Ad...
Imagine you have a dataframe with cols: A, B, C. I want to add a column D based on some calculations of columns B and C of the previous record of the df. Which is the best way of doing this? I am trying to avoid looping through the df. I am u...
Iterating through pandas dataFrame objects is generally slow. Pandas Iteration beats the whole purpose of using DataFrame. It is an anti-pattern and is something you should only do when you have exhausted every other option. It is better look for a...