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Hi, I'm super new to Databricks. I'm trying to do a little API scripting against my company's DB instance.I have this supersimple python (ver 3) which is meant to run a remote host. The script tries to a simple SQL query against my Databricks instan...
Hi there,Have a simple question. Not sure if Databricks supports this, but I'm wondering if there's a way to store the results of a sql cell into a spark dataframe? Or vice-versa, is there a way to take a sql query in python (saved as a string variab...
Hi @ChristianRRL, results of sql cell are automatically made available as a python dataframe using the _sqldf variable. You can read more about it here. For the second part not sure why you would need it when you can simply run the query like:spark.s...
When i was trying to create catalog i got an error saying to mention azure storage account and storage container in the following query -CREATE CATALOG IF NOT EXISTS Databricks_Anu_Jal_27022024MANAGED LOCATION 'abfss://<databricks-workspace-stack-anu...
Hi Guys,I am a complete newbie to data bricks, we are trying to figure out if our data models and ETL can run on it.I have got the failure to launch message. I have read this message as well.
Hi @all,In Azure Databricks,I am using structured streaming for each batch functionality, in one of the functions I am creating tempview with pyspark dataframe (*Not GlobalTempView) and trying to access the same temp view by using spark.sql functiona...