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Importing Azure SQL data into Databricks

New Contributor III


I am looking at building a data warehouse using Databricks. Most of the data will be coming from Azure SQL, and we now have Azure SQL CDC enabled to capture changes. Also I would like to import this without paying for additional connectors like FiveTran.

1. Would it be reasonable to create one Notebook / Delta Live Pipeline per source table?

2. The first time the Delta Live Pipeline runs there will be no tables or data available in Databricks so I am guessing I need a quick check to see if the table already exists, and if not, pull the entire table from Azure SQL? I was thinking something like this (although it doesn't seem to work)?

db_name = "AdventureWorks"
table_name = 'SalesLT_Customer'
tables_collection = spark.catalog.listTables(db_name)
table_names_in_db = [ for table in tables_collection]
table_exists = table_name in table_names_in_db
if not table_exists:    
    comment=f"Original data for SalesLT.Customer"
    def SalesLT_Customer():
        df ="jdbc") \
            .option("url", "jdbc:sqlserver://;databaseName=database") \
            .option("username", "x") \
            .option("password", "x") \
            .option("dbtable", "SalesLt.Customer") \
            .option("driver", "") \
        return (df)

For subsequent runs, I would take the data from the CDC tables in Azure SQL. Maybe something like this?

    comment=f"Original CDC data for SalesLT_Customer_CT"
def CDC_SalesLT_Customer_CT():
    df ="jdbc") \
        .option("url", "jdbc:sqlserver://;databaseName=database") \
        .option("username", "x") \
        .option("password", "x") \
        .option("dbtable", "cdc.SalesLT_Customer_CT") \
        .option("driver", "") \
    return (df)

Does that seem reasonable so far?


New Contributor III

@Bear Woods​ Hi! were you able to create DLT tables using CDC feature from sources like sql tables ? even I'm kinda in your situation, you need to leverage apply_changes function and create_streaming_live_table() function but it required intermediate table which I'm trying to avoid.

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