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Cannot set experiment in a non-ML runtime

Contributor II


If we:

%pip install mlflow
import mlflow
mlflow.set_experiment(experiment_name = '/Shared/xx')

we get:

InvalidConfigurationError: You haven't configured the CLI yet! Please configure by entering `/databricks/python_shell/scripts/ configure`

Possible to get it working in recent non-ML runtime?


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @yopbibo ,

Yes, it is possible to use the Python mlflow package in Databricks without running into the InvalidConfigurationError you've encountered. The error message suggests that the MLflow CLI needs to be configured before using the mlflow package.

To avoid this error, you can avoid using the mlflow CLI and use MLflow tracking via its API. Here is an example of how to log an experiment run in MLflow without the CLI configuration:

import mlflow

# Set the experiment using the experiment ID

# Start a new run
with mlflow.start_run() as run:
    # Log parameters
    mlflow.log_param('learning_rate', 0.01)
    mlflow.log_param('max_depth', 5)

    # Log metrics
    mlflow.log_metric('train_loss', 0.5)
    mlflow.log_metric('valid_loss', 1.0)

    # Log artifacts
    filename = 'model.pkl'
    # ... train model and create model artifact ...

    with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
        mlflow.log_artifact(f, artifact_path=filename)

The `mlflow` package provides several API functions to log data such as metrics, parameters, and artifacts to an experiment run.

To avoid running into `InvalidConfigurationError`, make sure that you have installed the `mlflow` package in your Databricks environment using `%pip install mlflow`.

Once you have configured your experiment run with `mlflow`, you can use the `log_param`, `log_metric`, and `log_artifact` functions to log data to the run. Note that the `log_param` and `log_metric` functions require a name and a value, while the `log_artifact` function requires a file object and an artifact path.

By using the `mlflow` API in your code, you can avoid the need to configure the CLI and directly interact with your experiment runs in MLflow.


Contributor II

I wrote above that I: %pip install mlflow, then mlflow.set_experiment() and that fails.
You advice me to do: %pip install mlflow, mlflow.set_experiment()
That will fail. 😞

Contributor II

%pip install mlflow

that works

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