In workspace settings: Workspace admin - advanced - other - Default catalog for the workspace is set to different than hive_metastore, it is set to a `Unity Catalog` catalog - the expected behaviour is copied here from the related more info panel:
"Setting the default catalog for the workspace determines the catalog that is used when queries do not reference a fully qualified 3 level name. For example, if the default catalog is set to 'retail_prod' then a query 'SELECT * FROM myTable' would reference the object 'retail_prod.default.myTable' (the schema 'default' is always assumed)."
In case of hive_metastore it is worked as expected when a new SQL Editor tab is opened. In case of Unity Catalog the new tab contains the Unity Catalog as the default catalog (as expected), but the default schema is not 'default', the first schema in the catalog in alphabetical order is the default - in my case it is called 'archive'.
Is there something I missed here - is there a setting I have to use for enforcing 'default' schema for being default in SQL Editor?