I just went through this issue. You can use a user managed identity but you have to pass an access token. You have to enable and add the identity to sql and assign it a role. There is some more in depth documentation above you can find. Then the below code is used. I got this from a resource and not my own code.
%pip install azure-identity
from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential, ManagedIdentityCredential
credential = ManagedIdentityCredential(clientId = "<your clientid>")
sqlAzureAccessToken = credential.get_token('https://database.windows.net/.default').token
jdbcHostname = "<servername>.database.windows.net"
jdbcDatabase = "<dbname>"
jdbcPort = 1433
jdbcUrl = "jdbc:sqlserver://{0}:{1};database={2}".format(jdbcHostname, jdbcPort, jdbcDatabase)
connectionProperties = {
"accessToken" : sqlAzureAccessToken,
"hostNameInCertificate" : "*.database.windows.net",
"encrypt" : "true",
"ServerCertificate" : "false",
"driver" : "com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver"
df = spark.read.jdbc(url=jdbcUrl, table="dbo.person", properties=connectionProperties)