a month ago
I have two Windows 10 laptops. The old one is working fine with Databricks CLI version 0.210.0. I installed the CLI on a new laptop and copied my config file. I can test connections to my default config which uses my PAT. However, I have some configs for service principals that are used to create PATs for Power BI usage. I can't get these to test successfully. The new laptop is using 0.237.0. I tried using 0.210.0 on the new laptop, but same issue. If I try 0.237.0 on the old laptop, it has the same issue. I checked for environment variables on the old laptop but didn't see DATABRICKS_HOST or DATABRICKS_TOKEN.
Here is the output, I've scrubbed the output and it all looks good. As I mentioned, the config file came straight from a working computer and works so I think all the cloud components are set up correctly.
C:\Users\me>databricks auth describe --profile MY_SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_PROFILE
Unable to authenticate: default auth: cannot configure default credentials, please check https://docs.databricks.com/en/dev-tools/auth.html#databricks-client-unified-authentication to configure credentials for your preferred authentication method. Config: host=https://MYADB.azuredatabricks.net, profile=MY_SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_PROFILE, azure_tenant_id=MY_TENANT
Current configuration:
✓ host: https://MY_ADB.azuredatabricks.net (from C:\Users\user/.databrickscfg config file)
✓ profile: MY_SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_PROFILE (from --profile flag)
✓ azure_tenant_id: MY_TENANT
Any suggestions on how to troubleshoot this?
a month ago
Just found the issue, I should be using these in the profiles for the service principals for entra ID authentication. Everything is now working!
a month ago
Just to confirm you have copy and paste the config file from your old compute to this new one? Have you tried recreating the profile again on the new laptop?
a month ago
Yes, I copied the file through file explorer. If I do ‘auth profiles’, all profiles are listed but most are invalid.
a month ago
Understood, if you recreate any of them manually does it moves to active?
a month ago - last edited a month ago
It has the same behavior. Here is what the new config looks like:
host = https://MY_ADB.azuredatabricks.net
token = dapixxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
host = https://MY_ADB.azuredatabricks.net
databricks_client_id = 12******-*****-********-******
databricks_client_secret = QW***********************************
One interesting thing I just found. On the old computer, I mentioned that the new CLI doesn't work. I downloaded old versions of the cli and unzipped to multiple directories and then switched to each directory before running 'auth profiles' to see when that stops working.
Last working version. 0.212.2
Broken version: 0.212.3
Releases are on this page:
The release that 'breaks' by functionality on the old workstation has this note: Release Windows packages to winget-pkgs.
Enabling log file with warn/error is providing just a little more info: time=2025-01-08T13:49:49.138-07:00 level=ERROR source="root.go 114}" msg="failed execution" pid=32972 exit_code=1 error="default auth: cannot configure default credentials, please check https://docs.databricks.com/en/dev-tools/auth.html#databricks-client-unified-authentication to configure credentials for your preferred authentication method.
a month ago
Continuing to dig into this, I think I also misconfigured something wrong on my first computer and the PATs were not created under the correct identity. I had entries in my config similar to the below and would execute commands with the first SP profile and the second SP profile to create PATs, however, all the PATs are associated with my user account. I've done something wrong with the setup here. On my original computer, I can change the databricks_client_id and secret to something incorrect and the credentials are being pulled from elsewhere (default?)
host = https://MY_ADB.azuredatabricks.net
token = dapixxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
host = https://MY_ADB.azuredatabricks.net
databricks_client_id = 12******-*****-********-******
databricks_client_secret = QW***********************************
host = https://MY_ADB.azuredatabricks.net
databricks_client_id = 34******-*****-********-******
databricks_client_secret = AB***********************************
a month ago
Just found the issue, I should be using these in the profiles for the service principals for entra ID authentication. Everything is now working!
a month ago
Great to hear issue got resolved, let us know in case any other assistance is required.
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