Databricks Summit 2023
Anyone else using structured streaming at the summit?
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Anyone else using structured streaming at the summit?
Hi. I have started using Databricks for my ML summer project and currently working with AutoML to select the best model and hyper parameters. Its interesting how it reduces the effort of writing the entire set of code and helps us save a lot of time....
What was everyone’s favorite session @ DAIS 2023?
I'll be back next year
Here for the second year running and am super impressed by all the new announcements. They are all awesome but for me the Unity news is really welcome. What's everyone else's favorite announcement?
Tips please
I was invited to speak at the Data +AI Summit to talk about work I have been doing in forecasting at an extreme scale - over 150,000 models in production. The summit has been a phenomenal opportunity to connect with other experts in the field.
There are so many interesting ways Databricks is being used. It's been really neat meeting people from different industries and seeing how they're using all of the various tools!
I'm here at the 2023 Data+AI Summit. Having very little exposure to Databricks prior to attending I've been blown away by some of the product previews I've seen. Definitely a lot of potential takeaways for the data warehouse we've been building.
Had such a blast at the Data + AI Summit! The social event at Chase Center was fabulous.
Great summit
It's been an amazing week at the conference and a pleasure to engage in conversations. One interesting presentation showed a model training pipeline with DeltaTorch. I'd love to see if anyone has experience and feedback using this, I'm potentially in...
Have had a wonderful time at the conference!
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