OK so I'm trying to use Open Source Rstudio on Azure Databricks.
I'm following the instructions here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/databricks/sparkr/rstudio#install-rstudio-server-open-source...
I've installed the necessary init script at "dbfs:/databricks/rstudio/rstudio-install.sh", and confirmed it exists.
However, the directions instruct me to create a cluster with the init script pointing to the above file.
When I select DBFS, I see that these scripts have been deprecated and the init script won't show up, getting this message:
"Cluster-scoped init scripts on DBFS are deprecated. They should be stored as workspace files instead."
When I select Workspace, I can add the script, but when starting the cluter I get the following error:
Init script failure:
BAD_REQUEST: requirement failed: dbfs:/databricks/rstudio/rstudio-install.sh is not absolute.
How else am I supposed to get this init script added? Thanks