There is a Databricks data source published on the Tableau server.
When I click the 'Edit Data Source' button in the location where the data source is published and go to the Data Source tab, and change the Databricks connection information (HTTP PATH) and click the 'Login' button, the following error occurs.
The username or password is not valid. Check the database name and credentials and try again. [Simba][ThriftExtension] (8) Authentication/authorization error occurred. Error details: Bad status with no error message: Unauthorized/Forbidden: Status code: 401 Invalid username or password.
I checked and found that when I create a new data source, it connects normally, but this problem only occurs when I edit an existing published data source.
Can you help me? Tableau Server version is 2022.3.11, Databricks ODBC Driver version is 2.7.5 (Released 2023-09-08).
Any answers are appreciated.