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Unable to reactive an inactive user

New Contributor II

Hi all,
I am facing an issue with reactivating an inactive user i tried the following json with databricks cli 

run_update = {
  "schemas": [ "urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:PatchOp" ],
  "Operations": [
      "op": "replace",
      "path": "active",
      "value": [
          "value": "true"
But the user status still remains inactive. Any leads would be helpful.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @AyushPandey, Here are a few steps you can take to address this:


Check Permissions and Authentication:

  • Ensure that you have the necessary permissions to modify user accounts.
  • Verify that the Personal Access Token (PAT) you’re using is valid and has the required privileges.

Verify User ID and Workspace URL:

  • Confirm that the user ID you’re supplying in the API request corresponds to the correct user.
  • Double-check the Databricks workspace URL (e.g., https://<your workspace>

Try an Alternative Approach:

  • Instead of using the curl command, consider using Python with the requests library.

Review Logs and Error Messages:

  • Check the logs or any error messages returned by the API request. They might provide additional insights into the issue.

Hopefully, this helps you reactivate the user successfully! 🚀

Hi Kaniz,
Can you tell me how can I use the request library, I tried using python but I was unable to activate the user. 
Thanks for your help.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey there! Thanks a bunch for being part of our awesome community! 🎉 

We love having you around and appreciate all your questions. Take a moment to check out the responses – you'll find some great info. Your input is valuable, so pick the best solution for you. And remember, if you ever need more help , we're here for you! 

Keep being awesome! 😊🚀


New Contributor II

We are getting this same issue.  Somehow two days ago two of our users got set to "Inactive".  We've tried the scripts mentioned in the API but they will not reactivate.

We also even got our Azure Owner to run the scripts and generate a pat to try, and it doesn't work for them either.

There needs to be a better way to reactivate users, and there should be some kind of confirmation to deactivate them as no one in our org knows how these two users got set to inactive.

New Contributor II

Hi there, 

We are facing exactly the same issue over here. Two users suddenly set to inactive, reactivation with python script does not work... even with PAT of account admin...

Help is much apprechiated!

New Contributor II

@AyushPandey @FunkyBunches 
just found a dirty workaround for inactive users.
1. delete the user on the workspace
2. delete the user on the account console
3. add the user on the account console
4. add the user on the workspace again

if it's a user without any dependency, so not owning jobs, clusters etc. this should do the trick...

New Contributor III

This does not work for me. The user is recreated with the same ID as before and remains inactive. Any resolution?

New Contributor II

In our case it was because of the Azure SCIM.  We needed to remove and add the user in Azure due to the way the Active Directory works without federated identity.  It took us a week to figure it out.

New Contributor III

@FunkybunchOO Thank you for your response! I will look into other connections, but we are not currently using SCIM. There must be something similar blocking the activation.

To be transparent, we didn't know we were using SCIM either, which was one of the reasons it took us a bit to figure it out.  Basically what happened, is that an update to one group removed access from people who weren't part of that group, even though they were under another group that should have had access.  Basically Azure Databricks doesn't work with nested groups properly.  So to fix it, we removed the nested groups, and added only the specific groups to the relevant permissions.  There were only two of us who weren't a member of the second group, so it seemed like a specific permission setting, instead of a group setting.

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