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Write stream to Kafka topic with DLT

New Contributor


Is it possible to write stream to Kafka topic with Delta Live Table?

I would like to do something like this:

comment="Publish to kafka"
def kafka_pub():
return (
dlt.readStream("source_table").selectExpr("to_json (struct (*)) AS value").writeStream.format("kafka").options(**KAFKA_OPTIONS).start()
It does not work due to:
RuntimeError: Query defined in function 'kafka_pub' returned 'StreamingQuery'. It must return either a Spark or Koalas DataFrame.
Is there any DLT based solution / workaround?

Esteemed Contributor
Esteemed Contributor

@gb  - Currently, DLT does not support writing to non-delta sink.  we can divide the pipeline currently into two by writing to a materialized view or delta sink and build a non-DLT job to write out to Kafka sink. Databricks DLT engineering team is working on a feature request to enable DLT to write to kafka sink but we don't have an ETA yet on this. 

Community Manager
Community Manager

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We love having you around and appreciate all your questions. Take a moment to check out the responses – you'll find some great info. Your input is valuable, so pick the best solution for you. And remember, if you ever need more help , we're here for you! 

Keep being awesome! 😊🚀


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