I tried executing the job run summit API (/api/2.1/jobs/runs/submit)
I have two executions of this API, the first one is working, but the second one don't,
I'm getting the following error:
{"error_code":"MALFORMED_REQUEST","message":"Invalid JSON given in the body of the request - failed to parse given JSON"}
Can anyone give me some advice?
First JSON that is working:
Second JSON that is not working
"notebooks":"{ 'notebooks':[ 'path/to/notebook1', 'path/to/notebook2', 'path/to/notebook3', 'path/to/notebook3', 'path/to/notebook4', 'path/to/notebook5', 'path/to/notebook6', 'path/to/notebook7' ]}",
The notebooks and files parameters need to be strings because that is how my notebook process them.