@Sudic29 can you please share more about what you have implemented so far?
This requires dynamically tracking the page number during the PDF creation process. Example in python:
from PyPDF2 import PdfReader, PdfWriter
def add_bookmarks_to_pdf(input_path, output_path, bookmarks):
# Open the PDF file
reader = PdfReader(input_path)
writer = PdfWriter()
# Add pages to the writer and create bookmarks
for i, page in enumerate(reader.pages):
if i in bookmarks:
writer.add_named_destination(bookmarks[i], i)
# Write the output PDF with bookmarks
with open(output_path, 'wb') as f:
# Example bookmarks: {page_number: "Bookmark Name"}
bookmarks = {
0: "Table 1",
1: "Table 2",
2: "Table 3"
add_bookmarks_to_pdf("input.pdf", "output.pdf", bookmarks)
What have you accomplished in PySpark?