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DeltaFileNotFoundException: No file found in the directory (sudden task failure)

New Contributor II

Hi all,

I am currently running a job that will upsert a table by reading from delta change data feed from my silver table. Here is the relevent snippet of code:



rds_changes ="delta") \
  .option("readChangeFeed", "true") \
  .option("startingVersion", 0) \
  .table("main.default.gold_table") \
  .where(f"_commit_timestamp >= '{( - timedelta(hours=1)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}'")



Here is the error returned



com.databricks.sql.transaction.tahoe.DeltaFileNotFoundException: No file found in the directory: s3://databricks-workspace-stack-70da1-metastore-bucket/60ed403c-0a54-4f42-8b8a-73b8cea1bdc3/tables/6d4a9b3d-f88b-436e-be1b-09852f605f4c/_delta_log.



 I have done the following:

  • Verify that the delta log folder is not deleted by accessing S3 directly
  • Able to query the table directly and perform `DESCRIBE HISTORY gold_table` on it without any issue

Anyone has any idea why this happen when I am running the job which was working fine previously without any changes


New Contributor II

Hey @Retired_mod , found the issue is due to truncated delta log. Thanks for the help man

New Contributor II

What was the fix?

New Contributor II

1) check the first delta feed enabled version in
DESCRIBE HISTORY `table_name`;

2) use this version instead of 0 in .option("startingVersion", x)

New Contributor II

Can you please describe some more on option 2)

New Contributor II

You would run DESCRIBE HISTORY `table_name`; to check which versions are available. If the delta log is truncated for some reason, you will not find a version 0. Use the oldest version you can find instead of 0. For example, if the oldest version you can find in the delta log is 10, use .option("startingVersion", 10).

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