Disable ssl for federated connection on Amazon Redshift
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12-10-2024 02:49 PM
Here is a doc how to set up connection and foreign catalog, but there is no any mentions how to disable ssl for the connection.
When I set up connection and foreign catalog I get this error, when test connectivity to my redshift host:
summary: [CANNOT_ESTABLISH_CONNECTION] Cannot establish connection to remote REDSHIFT database. Please check connection information and credentials e.g. host, port, user, password and database options. ** If you believe the information is correct, please check your workspace's network setup and ensure it does not have outbound restrictions to the host. Please also check that the host does not block inbound connections from the network where the workspace's Spark clusters are deployed. ** Detailed error message: The hostname my.host.com could not be verified by hostnameverifier RedshiftjdbcHostnameVerifier.. SQLSTATE: 08001, data: {"type":"baseError","stackFrames":["org.apache.spark.SparkIllegalArgumentException: [CANNOT_ESTABLISH_CONNECTION] Cannot establish connection to remote REDSHIFT database. Please check connection information and credentials e.g. host, port, user, password and database options. ** If you believe the information is correct, please check your workspace's network setup and ensure it does not have outbound restrictions to the host. Please also check that the host does not block inbound connections from the network where the workspace's Spark clusters are deployed. ** Detailed error message: The hostname my.host.com could not be verified by hostnameverifier RedshiftjdbcHostnameVerifier.. SQLSTATE: 08001\n\tat org.apache.spark.sql.errors.QueryExecutionErrors$.cannotEstablishConnectionError(QueryExecutionErrors.scala:1222)\n\tat com.databricks.spark.redshift.RedshiftTestConnection$.testCatalogConnection(RedshiftTestConnection.scala:50)\n\tat com.databricks.sql.managedcatalog.command.QueryFederationCommand$.testCatalogConnection(queryFederationCommandsExec.scala:147)\n\tat com.databricks.sql.managedcatalog.command.TestForeignCatalogConnectionCommand.run(queryFederationCommandsExec.scala:288)\n\tat org.apache.spark.sql.execution.command.ExecutedCommandExec.$anonfun$sideEffectResult$2(commands.scala:84)\n\tat org.apache.spark.sql.execution.SparkPlan.runCommandWithAetherOff(SparkPlan.scala:180
** Detailed error message: The hostname my.host.com could not be verified by hostnameverifier RedshiftjdbcHostnameVerifier.. SQLSTATE: 08001,
When I try to connect to this host from my notebook and the same cluster, it works, but in the options I set:
.option("autoenablessl", "false")
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12-10-2024 04:36 PM
Hi @drag7ter,
The Databricks Query Federation feature for Redshift does not explicitly allow for disabling SSL directly in the UI or configuration options for the catalog. However, you can attempt to pass the JDBC connection parameters through the catalog creation.
When creating or modifying your foreign catalog, include the following in the catalog’s connection options:
USING com.databricks.spark.redshift
dbtable '<table>',
forward_spark_s3_credentials 'true',
aws_iam_role 'arn:aws:iam::<your-role>',
url 'jdbc:redshift://<hostname>:5439/<database>?ssl=false&autoEnableSSL=false'
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12-11-2024 02:06 AM
That doesn't work in Databricks, see the syntax of SQL for creating foreign catalog:
[PARSE_SYNTAX_ERROR] Syntax error at or near 'com': missing CONNECTION. SQLSTATE: 42601 line 2, pos 6 == SQL == CREATE FOREIGN CATALOG redshift_catalog USING com.databricks.spark.redshift
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12-11-2024 05:32 AM
It's missing connection statement, could you please try:
USING CONNECTION com.databricks.spark.redshift
dbtable '<table>',
forward_spark_s3_credentials 'true',
aws_iam_role 'arn:aws:iam::<your-role>',
url 'jdbc:redshift://<hostname>:5439/<database>?ssl=false&autoEnableSSL=false'
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12-12-2024 09:37 AM
Doesn't work also, wrong sql syntax. There is no option in databricks create such catalog using such connection com.databricks.spark.redshift
[PARSE_SYNTAX_ERROR] Syntax error at or near '.'.
SQLSTATE: 42601 line 2, pos 20
== SQL ==
USING CONNECTION com.databricks.spark.redshift
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12-12-2024 09:39 AM
My question still the same, how I can create forieng catalog if I get this error:
** Detailed error message: The hostname my.host.com could not be verified by hostnameverifier RedshiftjdbcHostnameVerifier.. SQLSTATE: 08001,
What should I do that databricks verifies my remote Redshift HOST?