Got a weird DLT error.
Test harness using the new(ish) 'Apply Changes from Snapshot' Functionality and DLT Serverless (Current Channel). Azure Aus East Region.
Has been working for several months without issue - but within the last week these DLT tables have started failing with an error:
Your request failed with status FAILED: [BAD_REQUEST] Table 'mycatalog.myschema.mytable' is invalid because one of the underlying resources does not exist. Table '__databricks_internal.__dlt_materialization_schema_##################.__materialization_mat_mytable_1' does not exist.
1) DLT does not need to be running for the tables to stop working. Within a few hours of the pipeline running the tables in the job all stop working with the above error.
2) If the broken tables are manually deleted via the UC browser - DLT undrops the tables and recreates them correctly. A few hours later they break.
3) This happens across multiple environments within the tenancy.