Hi, I wondered if some of you have had this issue before and how it can be solved. In a Databricks Job, we have a UBQ with a Painless script for ES. these are the options. Staging and prod are the same configurations, but Staging is failing with the EsHadoopNoNodesLeftException: Connection error (check network and/or proxy settings)- all nodes failed; tried [[elasticsearch_server:80]]. Thanks in advance!
val esOptions = Map(
"es.nodes" -> esUrl,
"es.port" -> "80",
"es.nodes.wan.only" -> "true",
"es.read.metadata" -> "true",
"es.index.auto.create" -> "false",
"pushdown" -> "true",
"es.mapping.id" -> "_id",
"es.mapping.exclude" -> "_id, _index",
"es.update.retry.on.conflict" -> "3",
"es.write.operation" -> "update",
"es.update.script.lang" -> "painless",
"es.update.script.inline" -> painlessScript,
"es.update.script.params.json" -> esParamsJson