01-31-2023 09:02 PM
I have two JSON files, one ~3 gb and one ~5 gb. I am unable to upload them to databricks community edition as they exceed the max allowed up-loadable file size (~2 gb).
If I zip them I am able to upload them, but I am also having issues figuring out how to unzip the files into a readable format, currently it's only outputting unreadable characters in the import preview.
I'm relatively new to Databricks, just using it for a SQL certification, so I'd like to import the JSON into a query-able table.
01-31-2023 09:08 PM
@Sage Olson instead of uploading in databricks you can use any cloud provider and dump your data there and then read file from using databricks , it is safe
01-31-2023 09:19 PM
Hi, You can create a notebook inside a Databricks cluster and unzip the files using linux commands in the notebook, please refer: https://docs.databricks.com/notebooks/notebooks-code.html
Also, while after entering the command, please run the notebook in PYTHON mode and start the notebook cell with %sh which will pick up the commands as shell commands and unzip the file.
For unzipping you can refer to : https://docs.databricks.com/files/unzip-files.html and https://community.databricks.com/s/question/0D58Y00009az9bGSAQ/unzip-files .
01-31-2023 09:45 PM
Thanks for your kind response. I've already found the article on shell commands and the unzipping information, however I just don't have the python background yet to set this up with just the documentation to go off of.
I understand that I need to set up the %sh command at the beginning, but I don't understand what to do with the "import" block of code. Where is that data being put? I can follow the notebook setup template after I can locate where the unzipped data is going via that import/unzip command.
02-01-2023 01:40 AM
After uploading the zip, copy the path to it from UI and unzip with something similar to:
import zipfile
import io
import os
zip_file = "/dbfs/tmp/tmp.zip"
with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_file, "r") as z:
for filename in z.namelist():
with z.open(filename) as f:
extracted_file = os.path.join("/dbfs/tmp/", filename)
with open(extracted_file, "wb") as output:
04-08-2023 09:04 PM
Hi @Sage Olson
Hope everything is going great.
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