Hi @Kory Skistadโ
Please find below the table schema definition to use in a python dlt pipeline. You can see it mentions the identity column definition.
comment="Raw data on sales",
customer_id STRING,
customer_name STRING,
number_of_line_items STRING,
order_datetime STRING,
order_number LONG,
order_day_of_week STRING GENERATED ALWAYS AS (dayofweek(order_datetime))
partition_cols = ["order_day_of_week"])
def sales():
return ("...")
This example has been taken from this page: https://docs.databricks.com/workflows/delta-live-tables/delta-live-tables-python-ref.html
By the way, be careful about how it is generated regarding you are dealing with a streaming table or not: https://docs.databricks.com/workflows/delta-live-tables/delta-live-tables-faqs-issues.html#how-do-i-...