I am running dbsqlcli in windows 10. I have put together the attached cmd file to pull the identity column data from a series of our tables into individual CSVs so I can upload then to a PostgreSQL DB to do a comparison of each table to those in the PG DB.
In the attached output log file you can see that some of the commands result in an error and written into the output CSV file is:
There was an error while connecting to Databricks SQL. It could be caused due to missing/incomplete configuration. Please verify the configuration in ~/.dbsqlcli/dbsqlclirc and run dbsqlcli again.
For more details about the error
Why would this happen so apparently inconsistently? I tried adding a DOS wait of 5 sec between each dbsqlcli to try to overcome what I thought was threads not closing completely in between. It does not help.
Are there parameters or qualifiers which I can set to prevent this?
Any other suggestions would be appreciated.