Using the code below I am attempting to connect to a PlanetScale MySQL database. I get the following error: java.sql.SQLException: error parsing url : Incorrect port value. However the port is the default 3306, and I have used the correct url based on the PlanetScale documentation, and other members of my team can connect to it with this url using other platforms. Is Databricks doing something else here that I can't see?
remote_table = (
.option("driver", driver)\
.option("url", url)\
.option("dbtable", table)\
.option("user", username)\
.option("password", passwd)\
.option("ssl", True) \
.option("sslmode", "require" ) \
.option("sslcert", "dbfs:/mnt/folder/admin/client-cert.pem")\
.option("sslkey", "dbfs:/mnt/folder/admin/client-key.pem" )\