I've been experimenting with trying to read and/or clone an existing Iceberg table into Databricks/Delta.
I have an Azure Blob Storage container (configured to use absf for access) that contains an existing Iceberg table structure (data in parquet + the associated metadata) that was created in a local instance of Spark.
I am following: https://docs.databricks.com/en/delta/clone-parquet.html - It's not entirely clear to me what "/path/...
My query looks like:
CREATE TABLE icebergtable CLONE iceberg.`abfs://[redacted].dfs.core.windows.net/warehouse/nyc/taxis/`;
I've tried various permutations of the above data path. The directory structure looks like warehouse->nyc->taxis->data,metadata
No matter what I do, I end up with
NoSuchTableException: Table does not exist at location: ...
What exactly am I supposed to put in the path? Or is there another syntax issue here?