Hi @ashraf1395
I can think of following :
- Fivetran needs to be aware of the new catalog structure. This typically involves updating the destination settings in Fivetran to point to the Unity Catalog. Navigate to the destination settings for your Databricks connection.
- Ensure that Fivetran has the necessary permissions to read from and write to the Unity Catalog. create, read, update, and delete tables and schemas within the Unity Catalog
- Maybe you have to also look for each Fivetran connector that writes to Databricks is configured to use the Unity Catalog.
sample queries for uc:
-- Grant permissions to the service principal or user account
GRANT USAGE ON CATALOG your_uc_catalog TO 'fivetran_user';
GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA your_uc_catalog.your_schema TO 'fivetran_user';
GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON TABLE your_uc_catalog.your_schema.your_table TO 'fivetran_user';