11-27-2024 09:22 PM
py4j.protocol.Py4JJavaError: An error occurred while calling o123.sql.
: io.unitycatalog.client.ApiException: generateTemporaryPathCredentials call failed with: 401 - {"error_code":"UNAUTHENTICATED","message":"Request to generate access credential for path 'abfss://ext-location@databrickspocdixon.dfs.core.windows.net/tables/demoTab3' from outside of Databricks Unity Catalog enabled compute environment is denied for security. Please contact Databricks support for integrations with Unity Catalog.","details":[{"@type":"type.googleapis.com/google.rpc.ErrorInfo","reason":"UNITY_CATALOG_EXTERNAL_GENERATE_PATH_CREDENTIALS_DENIED","domain":"unity-catalog.databricks.com","metadata":{"path":"abfss://ext-location@databrickspocdixon.dfs.core.windows.net/tables/demoTab3"}},{"@type":"type.googleapis.com/google.rpc.RequestInfo","request_id":"dafd42ef-1dd1-4225-b41e-ac44be07e6d5","serving_data":""}]}
at io.unitycatalog.client.api.TemporaryCredentialsApi.getApiException(TemporaryCredentialsApi.java:78)
at io.unitycatalog.client.api.TemporaryCredentialsApi.generateTemporaryPathCredentialsWithHttpInfo(TemporaryCredentialsApi.java:192)
at io.unitycatalog.client.api.TemporaryCredentialsApi.generateTemporaryPathCredentials(TemporaryCredentialsApi.java:170)
at io.unitycatalog.spark.UCSingleCatalog.createTable(UCSingleCatalog.scala:106)
at org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.v2.CreateTableExec.run(CreateTableExec.scala:44)
at org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.v2.V2CommandExec.result$lzycompute(V2CommandExec.scala:43)
12-02-2024 03:00 AM - edited 12-02-2024 03:04 AM
Hello @dixonantony ,
Have you followed the steps here - https://docs.databricks.com/en/data-governance/unity-catalog/access-open-api.html#external-data-acce...
12-02-2024 03:05 AM
Also how are you creating the table,
can you please try the below option
, or the v2 version df.writeTo(tbl_name).append()
does not fully support custom catalogs.
12-02-2024 03:15 AM - edited 12-02-2024 03:17 AM
Thanks for the reply, I was following below doc and select table is working, issue is with create table.
spark.sql(f"create table if not exists {catalog}.{databasename}.testTable(id INTEGER, name VARCHAR(10), age INTEGER)").show()
Same issue is listed in https://github.com/unitycatalog/unitycatalog/issues/560 but not sure what exactly is the SAFE enabling.
12-02-2024 07:21 PM
I see thanks for sharing, for the safe flag - You can work with your Databricks Point of Contact to get help on enabling the SAFE flag for the workspace.
12-02-2024 07:24 PM
Can you also try this validate on the privileges please
on the external location to create a delta table. on UNITY_CATALOG_EXTERNAL_GENERATE_PATH_CREDENTIALS_DENIED
because that privilege is blocked behind.
12-02-2024 07:40 PM
I already tried CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE , but not working.
2 weeks ago
There also is this blog https://community.databricks.com/t5/technical-blog/integrating-apache-spark-with-databricks-unity-ca... that came up while reviewing your issue. All of this is in public preview.
2 weeks ago
You need the generateTemporaryPathCrede
API as you are trying to create external tables
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