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Protobuf deserialization in Databricks

New Contributor III


Let's assume I have these things:

  • Binary column containing protobuf-serialized data
  • The .proto file including message definition

What different approaches have Databricks users chosen to deserialize the data? Python is the programming language that I am mostly familiar with, so anything that can be achieved using pyspark would be great.

Locally, my approach would be to use the grpc_tool.protoc to generate the pb2 files (message.proto -> message_pb2.python). I would later on import these classes and use the approariate message to deserialize the binary data. Example code below:

import os
import pkg_resources
from grpc_tools import protoc
# Verbose
print(f"[Building] {protopath}")
# For some reason, grpc_tools.protoc doesn't include _proto module which causes errors:
# "google.protobuf.Timestamp" is not defined.
path_to_module = pkg_resources.resource_filename('grpc_tools', '_proto')
# Flags    
args = (
    'grpc_tools.protoc',  # args 0 is not needed
    # f"--grpc_python_out={OUTPUT_PATH}", 

My current ideas are:

  • Perform the code above using an external machine. Create a package "my_message_derializer.wheel" and use this as a dependent library on the Job/Task/Cluster. This would need to be updated each time the proto file changes using e.g. git webhooks.
  • Or, in the Databricks, install grpcio and grpcio-tools, and run similar code as above on the driver. Then import the created pb2 class and use the message as usual.

Is there any other way of using the deserializer with Spark? Something a bit less manual?


New Contributor II
New Contributor II

We've now added a native connector with parsing directly with Spark Dataframes.

from pyspark.sql.protobuf.functions import to_protobuf, from_protobuf

schema_registry_options = {
  "schema.registry.subject" : "app-events-value",
  "schema.registry.address" : "https://schema-registry:8081/"

# Convert binary Protobuf to SQL struct with from_protobuf():
proto_events_df = (
      from_protobuf("proto_bytes", options = schema_registry_options)

# Convert SQL struct to binary Protobuf with to_protobuf():
protobuf_binary_df = (
    .selectExpr("struct(name, id, context) as event")
      to_protobuf("event", options = schema_registry_options)


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