3 weeks ago
When using the `query_history.list` function of the python SDK workspace client the queries that have more than 153,596 characters are truncated.
I could not find anywhere in the documentation this limit so I wanted to know if this is documented somewhere and if it is configurable.
3 weeks ago
Hi @mangosta , I did some testing internally and was able to replicate the behavior you described.
The query text limit is a limitation not of the SDK or the API, but rather of the backing system table `system.query.history`. More information on this system table can be seen in the Query History System Table.
There is a limit imposed on the query text size due to storage limitations which maps to the System table column `statement_text`. Due to differing compression characteristics of the query text, there is no guarantee that the limit will always be 153,596.
I have requested internally that we update the docs on this `system.query.history` system table to clarify this.
Thanks for your question.
3 weeks ago
Hi @mangosta,
Our 'Notebook outputs and results' Document references the limit of truncated query rows at 60,000 (ref: https://docs.gcp.databricks.com/en/notebooks/notebook-outputs.html#:~:text=If%20the%20data%20returne...), but this seems to be the only document mentioning a limit. I hope this helps!
3 weeks ago
Hi Miguel,
Thanks for the reply but I am referring to the length of the query, not the returned rows. When I use the ListQueries API '/api/2.0/sql/queries' the query text appears to be truncated if the queries are longer than `153,596` characters.
So I want to know if that is documented somewhere and if there is any setting to change it.
3 weeks ago
Hi @mangosta , I did some testing internally and was able to replicate the behavior you described.
The query text limit is a limitation not of the SDK or the API, but rather of the backing system table `system.query.history`. More information on this system table can be seen in the Query History System Table.
There is a limit imposed on the query text size due to storage limitations which maps to the System table column `statement_text`. Due to differing compression characteristics of the query text, there is no guarantee that the limit will always be 153,596.
I have requested internally that we update the docs on this `system.query.history` system table to clarify this.
Thanks for your question.
2 weeks ago
Thanks a lot @brockb ! Please let me know when the documentation related to the Query History System Table is updated so I can get all the information and we can plan on our side how to address the problem.
Hi @mangosta , the System Tables docs have been updated with additional context on the `statement_text` here: https://docs.databricks.com/en/admin/system-tables/query-history.html#using-the-query-history-table
Thanks again for letting us know.
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