โ10-29-2021 04:08 AM
I would like to load a csv file directly to a spark dataframe in Databricks. I tried the following code :
url = "https://opendata.reseaux-energies.fr/explore/dataset/eco2mix-national-tr/download/?format=csv&timezone=Europe/Berlin&lang=fr&use_labels_for_header=true&csv_separator=%3B"
from pyspark import SparkFiles
df = spark.read.csv(SparkFiles.get("eco2mix-national-tr.csv"), header=True, inferSchema= True)
and I got the following error :
Path does not exist: dbfs:/local_disk0/spark-c03e8325-0ab6-4c2e-bffb-c9d290283b31/userFiles-a507dd96-cc63-4e47-9b0f-44d2a940bb10/eco2mix-national-tr.csv
โ10-29-2021 07:46 AM
ok so I tested it myself, and I think I found the issue:
the addfile() will not put a file called 'eco2mix-national-tr.csv', but a file called 'download'.
You can check this by using the %sh magic command and then
ls "/local_disk0/spark-.../userFiles-/"
You will get a list of files, no eco2mix but a 'download' file.
To see the contents of the download file, you can do a cat command:
cat "/local_disk0/spark-.../userFiles-.../download"
You will see the contents.
Next you have to read it with spark.read.csv AND the file:// prefix.
So this makes:
url = "https://opendata.reseaux-energies.fr/explore/dataset/eco2mix-national-tr/download/?format=csv"
from pyspark import SparkFiles
path = SparkFiles.get('download')
df = spark.read.csv("file://" + path, header=True, inferSchema= True, sep = ";")
This gives:
It is always a good idea when working with local files to actually look at the directory in question and do a cat of the file in question.
โ10-29-2021 04:27 AM
Check this:
Basically adding "file://" to your path.
โ10-29-2021 04:45 AM
I've already read this post and tried it but this was not working either :
Path does not exist: file:/local_disk0/spark-48fd5772-d1a9-40f2-a2f2-bcad38962ed6/userFiles-0298f7e7-105c-4c8d-a845-0975edd378a0/eco2mix-national-tr.csv
โ10-29-2021 07:46 AM
ok so I tested it myself, and I think I found the issue:
the addfile() will not put a file called 'eco2mix-national-tr.csv', but a file called 'download'.
You can check this by using the %sh magic command and then
ls "/local_disk0/spark-.../userFiles-/"
You will get a list of files, no eco2mix but a 'download' file.
To see the contents of the download file, you can do a cat command:
cat "/local_disk0/spark-.../userFiles-.../download"
You will see the contents.
Next you have to read it with spark.read.csv AND the file:// prefix.
So this makes:
url = "https://opendata.reseaux-energies.fr/explore/dataset/eco2mix-national-tr/download/?format=csv"
from pyspark import SparkFiles
path = SparkFiles.get('download')
df = spark.read.csv("file://" + path, header=True, inferSchema= True, sep = ";")
This gives:
It is always a good idea when working with local files to actually look at the directory in question and do a cat of the file in question.
โ10-29-2021 09:22 AM
Great, this is working. Thank you.
โ10-29-2021 03:01 PM
@Bertrand BURCKERโ - If @Werner Stinckensโ answered your question, would you mark his as the best answer? That will help others find the solution quickly.
โ11-26-2021 06:16 AM
Hi ,
You can also use the following.
import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils // jar will be already there in spark cluster no need to worry
import java.net.URL
val urlfile=new URL("https://people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/data/csv/airtravel.csv")
val testDummyCSV = IOUtils.toString(urlfile,"UTF-8").lines.toList.toDS()
val testcsv = spark
.read.option("header", true)
.option("inferSchema", true)
โ10-12-2023 06:49 PM
I know it's a 2 years old thread but I needed to find a solution to this very thing today. I had one notebook using SparkContext
โ12-10-2024 01:41 AM
Hello it's end of 2024 and I still have this issue with python. As mentioned sc method nolonger works. Also, working with volumes within "/databricks/driver/" is not supported in Apache Spark.
ALTERNATIVE SOLUTION: Use requests to download the file from url and save to a DBFS path, "/FileStore/" which is accessible from Databricks.
url = "https://opendata.reseaux-energies.fr/explore/dataset/eco2mix-national-tr/download/?format=csv&timezone=Europe/Berlin&lang=fr&use_labels_for_header=true&csv_separator=%3B"
local_path = "/FileStore/eco2mix-national-tr.csv"
# Use requests to download the file
response = requests.get(url)
with open("/dbfs" + local_path, "wb") as f:
# Read the CSV with specific options
df = spark.read.csv(
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