Dear all,
The Spark JDBC driver (SparkJDBC42.jar) is unable to capture certain information from the below table structure:
1. table level comment
2. the TBLPROPERTIES key-value pair information
3. PARTITION BY information
However, it captures the column level comment (eg. the comment against employee_number column), all columns of employee table, their technical data types.
Please advise if I need to configure any additional properties to be ale to read/extract the information that the driver could not extract at the moment.
create table default.employee(
employee_number INT COMMENT 'Unique identifier for an employee',
employee_name VARCHAR(50),
employee_age INT
PARTITIONED BY (employee_age)
COMMENT 'this is a table level comment'
TBLPROPERTIES ('' = 'Noor', '' = '10-08-2021');