I have just altered one of my tables and added a column.
ALTER TABLE tpch.customer ADD COLUMN C_CUSTDETAILS struct<key:string,another_key:string,boolean_key:boolean,extra_key:string,int_key:long,nested_object:struct<more:long,arrayOne:array<string>>>
As you can see this new column is of type Struct.
When I look at the table's DDL via a SHOW CREATE TABLE or DESCRIBE TABLE I can see the newly added column.
However, when I look at the table in Catalog Explorer in Unity Catalog the new column is not showing.
If I try to run the ADD COLUMN command again I get an error that the column exists.
I have tried running a REPAIR TABLE tpch.customer SYNC METADATA and that has not helped.
Does anyone know what might be going on and how to resolve this?