05-10-2022 01:12 AM
I have followed the steps as mentioned in this blog : https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/aws-glue-data-catalog-metastore-databricks-deepak-rajak/
but when trying to saveAsTable(table_name), it is giving an error as
IllegalArgumentException: Path must be absolute: <table_name>-__PLACEHOLDER__.
Can somebody help me on this please ?
05-12-2022 05:55 AM
Looking at the error message I believe the problem is the Glue database has no location which DBR/Delta needs. You can use alter database datalake-processed set location='...' or set the location directly in Glue console on AWS.
05-12-2022 05:55 AM
Looking at the error message I believe the problem is the Glue database has no location which DBR/Delta needs. You can use alter database datalake-processed set location='...' or set the location directly in Glue console on AWS.
05-12-2022 06:32 AM
Thanks Prabhakar, I used the option of specifying the path as s3, but it wouldn't work. This is the code I used :
df_final.write.partitionBy("partition_cols").mode("append").option("path", "s3:// location").saveAsTable("table_name")
Can you help me out please ?
05-13-2022 04:28 AM
Hi @Raghu Bharadwaj Tallapragada , Can you paste the error stack here?
03-03-2023 10:20 PM
@Kaniz Fatma
I am also facing the same issue while using the `saveAsTable` function of DataFrameWriter. Following is the code snippet: -
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{col, dayofmonth, month, to_date, year}
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.DataTypes
val df = some-dataframe-here
val glueTableName = "database-name-here.table-name-here"
val s3Path = "s3a://some/path/here/"
val partitionKeys = Array("some-partition-key-here")
val dataframeWithYearMonthDay = df
.withColumn("year", year(to_date(col("createdAt"))).cast(DataTypes.FloatType))
.withColumn("month", month(to_date(col("createdAt"))).cast(DataTypes.FloatType))
.withColumn("day", dayofmonth(to_date(col("createdAt"))).cast(DataTypes.FloatType))
.partitionBy(List("year", "month", "day") ++ partitionKeys: _*)
.option("path", s3Path)
PFA the stack trace. Please note that the given s3 location is completely empty and I am trying to create a new table here.
Also, I am facing this issue with only one table. Not facing this issue with writing to other tables.
Please let me know if any other information is needed from my end.
06-21-2022 09:10 AM
Hey @Raghu Bharadwaj Tallapragada
Just wanted to check in if you were able to resolve your issue or do you need more help? We'd love to hear from you.
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