dbutils.fs.ls() is a most useful utility to list the files in remote cloud storage. I cannot use this function on top of the location managed by the Unity catalog.
I have a managed external location created on `'abfss://xyz@abcd.dfs.core.windows.net/` where my schema is created. When i try to list the files created by the tables inside this schema, i get this error.
%py display(dbutils.fs.ls('abfss://xyz@abcd.dfs.core.windows.net/__unitystorage/schemas/5551e5b7-dd3f-45cb-94ce-a572e3ff7760/tables/0fbd721d-1701-4516-ad09-d04a3057e016'))
Error message
AnalysisException: [RequestId=80fd99cc-efd3-44c3-86ae-17bbd5e699bb ErrorClass=INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE.LOCATION_OVERLAP] Input path url 'abfss://xyz@abcd.dfs.core.windows.net/__unitystorage/schemas/5551e5b7-dd3f-45cb-94ce-a572e3ff7760/tables/0fbd721d-1701-4516-ad09-d04a3057e016' overlaps with managed storage
I tried to run **list** command as well. It works only on the exact location. But throws error when tries to list the directory inside it.
Below code works.
list 'abfss://xyz@abcd.dfs.core.windows.net/'
Below code doesn't work.
list 'abfss://xyz@abcd.dfs.core.windows.net/__unitystorage/'.
Is this an expected behavior? If yes, we are missing a great utility in the unity catalog.
Is there any work around or am I missing something?