Hello, I am trying to test the new federation for Snowflake feature in Databricks SQL, following the docs (https://docs.databricks.com/query-federation/snowflake.html).
- Subscription: Premium
- Compute: DB SQL (serverless)
- Metastore: Unity Catalog
I am trying to run the following query (but with the parameters for my own Snowflake environment, of course):
CREATE TABLE snowflake_table
USING snowflake
dbtable '<table-name>',
sfUrl '<database-host-url>',
sfUser '<my_username>',
sfPassword '<my_password>',
sfDatabase '<database-name>',
sfSchema '<schema-name>',
sfWarehouse '<warehouse-name>'
However, I get the following error:
Unsupported operation detected in the query plan. Only Delta data source is supported for table creation or data writing.
Query plan:
CreateDataSourceTableCommand `main`.`default`.`snowflake_table`, false
Why is this happening and how can I get this working? What limitations to this new feature am I missing and need to be aware of? Thanks in advance for your guidance.