Hi all,
I have a registered model deployed via DAB as part of our MLOps architecture. I'm looking to deploy this model, along with other resources (workflows, schemas, experiments, etc.), in our development environment, allowing team members to easily test and experiment with different approaches.
In our setup, development environment resources are deployed with a prefix that depends on the branch name. This allows multiple users to work on different branches simultaneously, with each branch deploying its own set of resources. When a branch is ready for merge, I run `databricks bundle destroy --target dev` to clean up the associated resources for that specific branch.
This works well, except when the registered model in the dev environment contains a model version. In such cases, I encounter the following error:
`Error: cannot delete registered model: Function model_name_here is not empty. The function has 1 model version(s).`
Is there a way to overcome this limitation and delete the registered model with its version(s) in the dev environment?
Thanks for your help!