Following is the code i am using the ingest the data incrementally (weekly).
val ssdf = spark.readStream.schema(schema)
.option("cloudFiles.format", "parquet")
val transformedDf = ssdf.transform(.....)
val processData = transformedDf
.select(recordFields: _*)
.option("checkpointLocation", outputUrl + "checkpoint/")
.option("path", outputUrl + run_id + "/")
For each week, the data is written to a new folder and checkpoint to the same folder.
This worked fine for 3 to 5 incremental run.
But recently i got the following error :
ERROR: Query termination received for [id=2345245425], with exception: org.apache.spark.SparkException: Job aborted.
Caused by: java.io.FileNotFoundException: Unable to find batch s3://outputPath/20230810063959/_spark_metadata/0
What is the reason for this issue ? Any idea?