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Google PubSub for DLT - Error

New Contributor II

I'm trying to create a delta live table from a Google PubSub stream.

Unfortunately I'm getting the following error:

org.apache.spark.sql.streaming.StreamingQueryException: [PS_FETCH_RETRY_EXCEPTION] Task in pubsub fetch stage cannot be retried. Partition 0.3 in stage 3.0, TID 14. SQLSTATE: 22000

My code is below. What could explain this error and how can it be solved?

authOptions = {

"clientId" : "XXX",

"clientEmail" : "XXX",

"privateKey" : "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\nXXX-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n",

"privateKeyId" : "XXX"


stream=spark.readStream \

.format("pubsub") \

.option("subscriptionId","XXX") \

.option("topicId","XXX") \

.option("projectId","XXX") \

.options(**authOptions) \


Accepted Solutions

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @itamarwe, Could you please double-check your authentication credentials (authOptions). Please ensure that the client ID, client email, private key, and private key ID are correctly specified and verify that the service account associated with these credentials has the necessary permissions to access the PubSub topic and subscription.

View solution in original post


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @itamarwe, Could you please double-check your authentication credentials (authOptions). Please ensure that the client ID, client email, private key, and private key ID are correctly specified and verify that the service account associated with these credentials has the necessary permissions to access the PubSub topic and subscription.

New Contributor II

Hi @Kaniz_Fatma, it was indeed a permissions issue. Nevertheless, I must admit that the error message is slightly misleading.

Cheers, Glad to hear that.

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