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Hi everyone,Please note that I stuck with exercise 2.0 Train and Validate ML Model because when I run code appear a NameError with the following label...

New Contributor

Hi everyone,

Please note that I stuck with exercise 2.0 Train and Validate ML Model because when I run code appear a NameError with the following label: name 'DoubleType' is not defined.

I put the code bellow for your reference.

I would like any help about this subject.

def get_sin_cosine(value, max_value):
  sine =  np.sin(value * (2.*np.pi/max_value))
  cosine = np.cos(value * (2.*np.pi/max_value))
  return (sine.tolist(), cosine.tolist())
schema = StructType([
    StructField("sine", DoubleType(), False),
    StructField("cosine", DoubleType(), False)
get_sin_cosineUDF = udf(get_sin_cosine, schema)
dataset = dataset.withColumn("udfResult", get_sin_cosineUDF(col("hour_of_day"), lit(24))).withColumn("hour_sine", col("udfResult.sine")).withColumn("hour_cosine", col("udfResult.cosine")).drop("udfResult").drop("hour_of_day")
dataset = dataset.filter(dataset.totalAmount.isNotNull())
dataset = dataset.withColumn("isPaidTimeOff", col("isPaidTimeOff").cast("integer"))


Not applicable

@Cristian Martinez​ :

The error you are seeing is occurring because the DoubleType class has not been imported. To fix this, add the following line to the top of your code to import DoubleType:

from pyspark.sql.types import DoubleType

This should resolve the NameError you are seeing.

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