Hi community,
I am looking for the recommended way to achieve table-model lineage in Unity Catalog for models that don't use Feature Lookups but only offline features.
When I use FeatureEngineeringClient.create_training_set with feature_lookups + mlflow experiment tracking, this works well and the respective feature stores show up in the model lineage. However, I haven't found a way to use offline features only.
Tracking an mlflow model without FeatureEngineeringClient.create_training_set works but then the lineage doesn't show up in Unity. Passing an empty list as the feature_lookups results in
WARNING databricks.ml_features._catalog_client._catalog_client_helper: Failed to record consumer in the catalog. Exception: {'error_code': 'NOT_FOUND', 'message': 'Workspace Feature Store has been deprecated in the current workspace. Databricks recommends using Feature Engineering in Unity Catalog.
and the lineage won't show up either. This is particularly weird since there is no such warning when I pass actual FeatureLookups instead of the empty list.
Thanks for any help
#featurestore #mlflow