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Databricks Employee
Databricks Employee

In today’s data-centric world, experimentation is essential for developers and data scientists to create cutting-edge models, test hypotheses, and build robust data pipelines. However, giving these teams access to production data raises serious concerns, especially around compliance with regulations like GDPR. Experimenting with real data often conflicts with privacy and security requirements, leading to the question: How can organizations empower their teams to experiment with production-like data safely?

To strike the right balance, companies must provide secure, controlled access to data that allows experimentation without violating data privacy laws or compromising production systems. This blog explores how Databricks offers innovative solutions to help organizations achieve this balance.

The Challenge: Why Production Data Access is Risky for Experimentation

When developers and data scientists experiment with data, they need to interact with datasets that resemble the production environment. However, exposing the full production data comes with risks:

GDPR and Data Privacy: Access to production data can lead to unauthorized exposure of sensitive information, like Personally Identifiable Information (PII).

Security Threats: The more people who access production data, the greater the risk of accidental misuse or security breaches.

Impact on Production Systems: Running experiments directly on production data can compromise data integrity and disrupt critical business operations.

To enable productive experimentation while addressing these risks, organizations must adopt strategies that allow safe access to representative data. Databricks offers several features to help you accomplish this, ensuring experimentation is safe, efficient, and compliant.

Key Strategies for Safe Experimentation with Databricks

One of the most effective strategies is to anonymize or pseudonymize sensitive data before sharing it with developers or data scientists. Databricks Lakehouse supports schema enforcement and the management of sensitive data through GDPR-compliant practices.

1. Anonymization

Use Delta Lake’s transformation capabilities to anonymize data before sharing.

Example: Pseudonymizing sensitive columns

from pyspark.sql import functions as F

# Load your production data
df ="delta").load("/mnt/production-data")

# Pseudonymize sensitive columns (e.g., replacing names with random UUIDs)
pseudonymized_df = df.withColumn("user_id", F.expr("uuid()"))

# Save the pseudonymized data back to Delta Lake

This pseudonymization ensures sensitive columns are masked while maintaining other data features for analysis.

2. Synthetic Data Generation using Databricks

Synthetic data generation provides production-like datasets without exposing sensitive details. Databricks’ support for advanced machine learning techniques allows the creation of synthetic data at scale.

How it works: By training a model on production data, you can generate synthetic data that retains the statistical properties of the original dataset.

Example: Generate synthetic data using a GAN (Generative Adversarial Network) in Databricks

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from tensorflow.keras.models import Sequential
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Dense
import numpy as np

# Load production data
df ="delta").load("/mnt/production-data")

# Convert data to Pandas for model training
data = df.toPandas()

# Build a simple GAN for synthetic data generation
generator = Sequential()
generator.add(Dense(128, activation='relu', input_dim=100))
generator.add(Dense(data.shape1, activation='sigmoid'))

# Train your GAN on the production data (this is a simplified example)
In practice, you would need more training and tuning steps
synthetic_data = generator.predict(np.random.rand(1000, 100))

# Convert synthetic data back to a Spark DataFrame and save
synthetic_df = spark.createDataFrame(synthetic_data.tolist())

Using this method, synthetic data can provide developers with datasets that closely mirror statistical properties of the original data, helping to protect sensitive information.

3. Data Masking with Databricks SQL and Delta Lake

Databricks offers dynamic data masking techniques through SQL queries on Delta Lake, allowing users to mask sensitive fields dynamically based on user roles.

Example: Implementing dynamic data masking using SQL

        WHEN current_user() = 'data_scientist'
        THEN ''
        ELSE email
    END AS email,
FROM delta./mnt/production-data;

This SQL query masks email addresses for users who are part of the data_scientist role, ensuring they only see the necessary non-sensitive fields.

4. Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) with Databricks

Databricks integrates with Azure Active Directory and AWS IAM to implement Role-Based Access Control (RBAC). This allows granular access control over who can view and modify data in Databricks.

Granular Permissions: Using Databricks’ Cluster Access Control, you can ensure that only authorized users access specific data assets or tables.

Example: Applying role-based access control

# Apply RBAC to allow access to only authorized roles
spark.sql("GRANT SELECT ON delta./mnt/production-data TO data_scientists")

This ensures that only users within the data_scientists group can access the production data.

5. Data Sandboxing with Databricks Workspaces

Databricks Workspaces provide isolated environments where developers and data scientists can work on production-like data safely. Sandboxes can include smaller datasets that are either anonymized or synthesized.

Environment Isolation: Databricks notebooks within a workspace can be used to create sandbox environments for different teams.

Example: Create a sandbox environment

# Load a subset of data into a sandbox environment
df ="delta").load("/mnt/production-data").sample(fraction=0.1)

# Anonymize the data before saving it to the sandbox
sandbox_df = df.withColumn("user_id", F.expr("uuid()"))

This sandbox environment provides a safe, isolated place to experiment without accessing the full production dataset.

6. Data Minimization and Aggregation with Databricks Delta

Databricks’ Lakehouse makes it easy to implement data minimization by extracting only the data needed for analysis, ensuring GDPR compliance.

Example: Aggregating data using Databricks Delta Lake

# Aggregate production data to minimize exposure to sensitive details
aggregated_df = df.groupBy("region").agg(F.avg("transaction_amount").alias("avg_transaction"))

# Save the aggregated data

This aggregated data helps reduce the exposure of sensitive data and provides useful insights for developers and data scientists.


Databricks offers a robust set of tools and capabilities to help organizations provide safe access to production data while ensuring GDPR compliance. From data anonymization and synthetic data generation to role-based access control and sandbox environments, Databricks empowers developers and data scientists to work with production-like data safely.

By leveraging Databricks features like Delta Lake, RBAC, and Workspaces, organizations can reduce the risk of data breaches, protect personal information, and maintain compliance with privacy regulations like GDPR—all while enabling their teams to innovate and build data-driven solutions.

These strategies not only ensure data security and compliance but also foster a culture of responsible data handling, empowering developers and data scientists to work confidently with production data.

Databricks Employee
Databricks Employee

Great stuff!

Databricks Employee
Databricks Employee


New Contributor III

Thanks for this compilations.

@Mahavir_Teraiya, do you have any update on the "Databricks Data Classification Automatically scan tables for PII"? That was a feature announced in the past Databricks Summit.

