12-31-2024 01:51 AM
This is my first post so apologies if the question should not be raised here
I was working my way through the above course with the aim of taking the engineering associate exam. I have logged in this morning and it says 'course retired'. I was not aware that the course would be retired - shouldn't there have been messages? I think this already happened once before with a previous version but it was quickly replaced. Should I be working my way through the engineering 'learning path' instead? The learning path appears to have 4 core modules before the associate exam, where as the course I was taking had five and it included practical labs.
Can anyone please advise on the recommended approach for studying for and then taking the engineering associate exam, and how I can be sure that the course materials won't become suddenly locked?
Many thanks
12-31-2024 03:45 AM
You can refer to the Learning Festival for this next period which contains the course that you will require for your exam: https://community.databricks.com/t5/databricks-academy-learners/faq-for-databricks-learning-festival...
12-31-2024 07:08 AM
Thanks for the clarification. I have followed the link you provided and now have access to the modules I need to study for the data engineering associate exam. However, within these 4 core modules I cannot find access to the course materials - ie, the notebooks used in the demos which all begin with a classroom setup run script.
Can you tell me where to find these please?
12-31-2024 07:25 AM
I assume the course you want to take is https://www.databricks.com/training/catalog/data-engineering-with-databricks-911
12-31-2024 08:12 AM
That's correct. Sorry, I might be missing something, I am doing the free self-paced learning version and all I am missing is the dbz files to upload into databricks to have pre-populated notebooks to follow along in the demos. Can you point me specifically to these or do you need to purchase them now? On the course that was discontinued today, the files were within the learning modules.
01-02-2025 02:42 AM
We no longer provide the DBCs or other downloadable materials with the Customer Academy courses to prevent outdated content from circulating and eliminate compatibility issues for notebooks outside the lab environment. If you would like access to hands-on materials, please read more about the Databricks Academy lab subscription.
01-02-2025 03:02 AM
Got it - many thanks for your help and happy new year!
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