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New Contributor III
since ‎07-02-2024

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  • 9 Posts
  • 0 Solutions
  • 2 Kudos given
  • 1 Kudos received

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Hello EveryoneCurrently, We are in process of building azure databricks and have some doubt regarding best practices to follow for azure storage account which we will be using to store data. Can anyone help me finding best practices to follow for sto...
Hi Team I am trying to create a python UDF which I want to use for column masking. This function will take 2 input parameters(column name and groups name) and return the column value if user is part of group otherwise return masked value. I wrote fol...
HelloI am trying to create DLT streaming table in Azure Data bricks but getting following error. I checked online article regarding this error but none of the article shown complete resolution.[STREAM_FAILED] Query [id = 9989a41e-741d-48d7-9a87-fc143...
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