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since ‎08-07-2024
a week ago

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  • 12 Posts
  • 2 Solutions
  • 1 Kudos given
  • 6 Kudos received

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Hi all,We have our medallion architecture transformation on databricks.Im currently testing upgrading to 11.3 as 10.4 won't be supported anymore from March 2025.However, I keep getting errors like this:Error inserting data into table. Type AnalysisEx...
Hello,I have a cluster with Runtime 11.3 LTS in my production. Whenever I start this up and try to run my notebooks it's giving me error: Failure starting repl. Try detaching and re-attaching the notebook. I have a cluster with the same Runtime in my...
I just started my manual cluster this morning in the production environment to run some code and it isn't executing and giving me the error "Failure starting repl. Try detaching and re-attaching the notebook.".What can I do to solve this?I have tried...
Hi,I have a folder that contains subfolders that have json files.My subfolders look like this:2024-08-12T09:34:37:452Z2024-08-12T09:25:45:185ZI attach these subfolder names to a variable called FolderName and then try to read my json file like this:d...