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since ‎01-19-2023

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  • 11 Posts
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  • 1 Kudos given
  • 8 Kudos received

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I'm running a query, trying to parse a string into a map, and I get the following error;org.apache.spark.SparkRuntimeException: Duplicate map key was found, please check the input data. If you want to remove the duplicated keys, you can set "spark.s...
In a practical sense, what is the difference between creating an external table;create table my_catalog.my_schema.my_favourite_table location 'abfss://path/to/my/dataversus creating a view that references the same dataset;create view my_catalog.my_sc...
I am trying to add a primary key constraint to an existing table, and I get the following error;Cannot create or update table because the child column(s) `my_primary_key` of primary key `pk` cannot be set to nullable. Either drop the constraint, or c...
I have a field stored as a string in the format "12/30/2022 10:30:00 AM"If I use the function TO_DATE, I only get the date part... I want the full date and time.If I use the function TO_TIMESTAMP, I get the date and time, but it's assumed to be UTC, ...
I'm new to setting up a DB environment, and have accumulated a couple of questions around configuring a SQL Warehouse1. When creating a SQL warehouse, the smallest size is 2X-Small, which is 4DBU. The pricing calculator (for Azure) implies you can c...
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