@chaosBEE Have you try the belowUse following SQL command to add tags programmaticallyspark.sql("""ALTER TABLE your_catalog.your_schema.your_table SET TAGS ('key1' = 'value1');""")
@nengen Try using EXPLAIN EXTENDED: This provides a detailed breakdown of the logical and physical plan of a query in Spark SQL.Based on the EXPLAIN EXTENDED output, here are a few things to consider:Broadcast Exchange: If the join causes data skew,...
@Tamizh035 , If your file in dbfs or external location or local folder ?Use dbutils.fs.ls to verify that the path exists and you have access:files = dbutils.fs.ls("dbfs:/path_to_your_file/")
@oishimbo @jasbro This can be tricky because, to achieve this functionality, you need to consider both VACUUM retention and time travel settings. You can use the following query to retrieve data based on your time travel needs, but ensure that the VA...