Hi @manish05485 , Good Day!
Error:Root storage credential for metastore XXXXXX does not exist. Please contact your Databricks representative or consider updating the metastore with a valid storage
Error states that the data access configuration for the metastore does not exist or don't have storage credential associated as well, for that we can list storage credentials and verify if the root storage credential exists we could associate that, if that doesn't exist please refer doc[1] to create one and that can be associated with the metastore. You could use Databricks CLI to perform these actions:
a. Get the storage credential Id by running the below command:
>> databricks unity-catalog list-storage-credentials
Document to refer : https://docs.gcp.databricks.com/en/archive/dev-tools/cli/unity-catalog-cli.html#list-available-stora...
b. Create a file and save the storage credential as update-metastore.json
"storage_root_credential_id": "<storage-credential-id>"
c.Once the file has been created run the below command to associate the storage credential:
databricks unity-catalog metastores update --id 12a345b6-7890-1cd2-3456-e789f0a12b34 \
--json-file update-metastore.json
Please refer to doc[2] for more details on updating metastore settings.
Doc[1]: https://docs.gcp.databricks.com/en/connect/unity-catalog/index.html#how-does-unity-catalog-connect-o...
Doc[2] : https://docs.gcp.databricks.com/en/archive/dev-tools/cli/unity-catalog-cli.html#update-a-metastores-...
Please let me know if this helps and leave a like if this information is useful, followups are appreciated.