Hello Team,
I understand that as the Job Owner, they can grant additional permissions to other users to manage/run/view the job.
- If "Can Manage" permission is given to the other users, that user can Edit the job including the Run-As parameter to themselves.
- If "Can Manage Run" permission is given to the other users, then that user cannot edit the job, but can run/cancel/view jobs execution.
- If "Can View" permission is given to other users, then that use can view the job logs and cannot run/cancel execution.
I have a questions about below:
In case primary user grant "Can Manage"/ "Run" Permission on the job they own to secondary user
Do we know if "Can Manage" Permission on Job of Cluster will run the job as primary user even incase it is run by Secondary user?
Do we know if "Run" Permission on Job of Cluster will run the job as primary user even incase it is run by Secondary user?
Thank you